This week I won't be bringing an interview ,I will take a small time off .
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Some Time Off
This week I won't be bringing an interview ,I will take a small time off .
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Listing on WSOAPP : Saltbox Homes Containers
Friday, November 21, 2008
Listing on EBAY : Tiny Willow Picking Rainbow Berrys
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Interview: Meet The Artist Bihind Pywackit Primitives

Interview : Meet The Artist Behind Ericadaley

Lesser Known Facts About Erica:
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Interview : Meet the artist behind Addie Hattie Prims

Her prim unique style is refreshing and wonderful to look at.
On her blog ( ) you can tell the passion Lynnie has for life, family and definitely for her art .
I asked Lynnie three questions and these are her responses in her own words.
What would you like others to know of you and your art ?
Interview : Meet the artist behind Jonwen Jewelry

Her Jewelry style is Bohemian classy with a touch of Victorian Romans .
On her blogs you can tell that Johnnie
wears her heart on her sleeve and her Jewelry reflects it.
I asked Johnnie three questions and these are her responses in her own words.
I have so much fun "playing" with my beads, making dolls, sewing ,painting pictures,
and now learning photography...that just a few days ago, I was ask what I wanted to be
when I grew up. Even though I have already retired from a job with the V.A. hospital, I told
my questioner that I did not want to grow up if I had to stop " playing" and having the most
fun that I have ever had in my life.
During my working years, I collected materials for crafting,
books on things that I wanted to learn to do and counted the days until I could retire.
I had to retire early due to my health but that just means that I get to "play" and have "fun" for more years.
Because I was sick when I needed to be fighting for my disability retirement income
and was not able to fight for it,I do not get full retirement benefits.
Even though I need to sell my crafts very badly to make ends meet, I would still craft wheather I needed to sell or not !!!
I gives me joy to make something unique that someone else loves.....
I have also enjoyed teaching others to do some of the crafts that I enjoy.
Retiring from this much fun is not going
to happen until about 30 years after my 100th birthday....
and only then will I retire if I can't get anymore materials to work with.
What advice would you give to another artist ?
Never give up on your dreams. Set goals of where you want to be
in 5years, 1year, 1month, 1week. Don't just say "I want to be a famous,
rich artist. Be you want to own your own shop where you
design and others do the work? Do you have an idea that you want to
develop and have it ready to market it 5years on QVC or another shopping
network? Write your plan down with as many details as possible. Don't
be afraid to revise,redirect and redesign. Be willing to be flexible because
as we are experiencing right now the world economy does change.
Life Happens !!! Sickness, death, job loss, Taxes.....just get it done and
get on with that DREAM.....and along the way, if life gives you a dozen
lemons, be joyful and make the best cotton-picking lemon-aide anyone
ever tasted.
Where can others find your art work or get to know more about you?
They can find the art work in my studio and if they really want to
know more about me ,I am sure that my family would be happy to
give them an ear full !!!
Oh, dear. Did I just say all of that. Is that not the answer you wanted?
No? I guess not. O.K. here goes...
I have a shop on Etsy where right now I am focusing on jewelry.
My two blogs are
Also I am trying to learn all about I have some pictures there already and will be adding more in the next few days.
Thank you so much for allowing me to talk about something that gives me such joy!!!!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
WSOAPP Prize Giveaway

$50.00 cash prize giveaway , redeemable in any seller's shop .
Prizes and cash giveaways in participating shops.
My Tiny Studio Free Giveaway
Enter to win one original 4 by 6 inches canvas painting of a blue bird of happiness .
No purchase necessary, nor will you pay for shipping or handling. It is absolutely free.
Registration for the giveaway will be held through DEC. 10th 2008.
To register you will need to go to ( )
look on the side column for ( Register To Win A Painting ) Enter you first and last name, address and E-Mail . One entry per person and Email.
Your information will not be sold or distributed .
The winner will be announced on DEC. 12th . Winner's name and state will be posted on ( ) . Winner will be contacted via E-mail prior to posting the results of the giveaway on the blog.
Doll : Mary And Her Saltbox House At WSOAPP Shop
The doll and the saltbox house are a union of sewing machine and hand stitching
and both come signed and dated by me .
The doll measures about 17 1/2 inches tall .
The small saltbox house measures about 4 1/2 inches tall .
The two pieces were created using raw silk fabric and each were painted, sanded,
stained and painted once more to give the pieces a wonderful vintage look and feel .
The doll's body was hand-painted wearing a Shirtwaists and bloomers .
I have added extra stitches on her body to give her a vintage look .
The dolls' dress is from a vintage girls dress pattern which I have modified to a doll size
and it is removable .
The doll's dress neckline and hem were embellished with cotton lace .
The dress is of cotton fabric with very old buttons .
The hair is of wool, that I have dyed and hand stitched in place .
The chair is not included .
She is now listed in my WSOAPP SHOP
Thank you for looking .
At Wsoapp Shops
I have signed and dated the front , the back has been also signed , dated and titled .
The stretched canvas measurements are 6 by 12 inches and 3/4 profile .
The painting has a fine crackle antiqued look to it and it was finish off with a satin varnish .
The sides of the painting have been painted .
The canvas was also back stapled perfect for a frame-less display.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
No Interview
I will try very hard to get an artist for next week ( HOPE ).