Saturday, October 30, 2010

Just WOW !!!

Just wanted to mention this .
The other day I bought some studio lights and
wow can you see the deference.
I did the same kind of editing to the two of them.
I know that all of you already knew about this but
I was just so WOW!!

Also the ornaments are on My Etsy :)


  1. Which one do you like better? I think I like the normal room cause the colors to me pop out better. Anyway, no matter which one - they are darling! Great job on them.


  2. There's nothing like great lighting. Love the ornament. Very cute!

  3. Thank you two :)
    I prefer the studio lights because the true colors of the piece came out .
    I do like room lights because they give a warm feeling to a photo :)

  4. That is a huge Wow! I feel like I should take a photography class to help me sell my art! There is so much in the presentation and, most of the time, all we want to do is paint, right?! : ) x
